What Did You 'YouTube' Today?

Ta Luv. Just what I needed to wind down. Brings back memories too.

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I realise there are few if any gamers on here, but you might be interested to here that there has been an interactive experience created called ‘Last Day Of June’, that was inspired by Steven Wilson’s song ‘Drive Home’. In it you have to unlock the sequence of events during the course of a day, in order to save your wife June, who is killed in a car crash. A cinematic experience that has received positive reviews.

Steven was involved in some of the production, including the music.




Absolutely love this mash-up. One of my favourite ELO tracks, with one of my all-time favourite Sci-Fi movies. Works beautifully…

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I really like this, the unmistakable sound of Mr Blackmore :guitar:


Agree. Unmistakably RB. Sounds great!

Not the most interesting video but a great song (if you like Gilmour-esqe guitar).

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