When I Was 15. Music and Memories

Couldn’t imagine me ever doing that or the equivalent with today’s charts. There just seemed to be so much more musical variety in the Top 40 back then.

You cite it as banter !!? erm I’m not sure myself, maybe a little light hearted fun ?? It was her profession for christ sake !!
I will apologise to Zaz & Marie though if we offended them - sorry.
Anyway let’s get all serious again and no more banter please :wink:


Oh, this is a real childhood/teenage memory for me! In the days before we became technologically-advanced, our radio and cassette recorder were different machines, so I’d set up a microphone in front of the radio and hope the family could manage to stay quiet through whole songs.
There used to be a radio show on Sunday lunchtimes presented by Fluff Freeman/Tony Blackburn/Jimmy Saville, where they’d play charts from years gone by. I used to record that more than the Sunday night charts.
Then came the Friday Rock Show days when I’d probably spend more time perfecting the tapes of stuff I’d recorded (space-age technology by this point: tape-to-tape machines!!) than actually listening to it!


You didn’t offend me.


It was an absolute godsend the tape to tape stereo system :smiley:
My first was an Amstrad that was a shared Christmas present with my brother.
I used to record the Friday Rock Show with Tommy Vance on my Orange BASF C-120 cassette then re record the best bit’s on the tape to tape.
I used to love the sessions on that show, and it was where I first heard Marillion on a three track session they did on that show in I think 1981/2 .
The rest as they say is history :smiley:


Look at the size of that thing! How times have changed!

I remember my older brother paying a small fortune for his set-up. All tape deck, turntable and amp being separate and the best he could afford after saving up. It was his pride and joy. As was his cd and bootleg collection. - We shared similar tastes up to a point, with a few exceptions. - He never could get into Marillion, and referred to them as ‘that Scottish Heavy Metal band’, which used to wind the hell out of me. - He was a lot more into electronic-sounding bands than I was, me being a traditionalist and lover of guitars and solos!


You got that right Zaz.

The past and the present are linked with a wire…
On the left, the speakers my brother made for me.
Still in use.


Anyone fancy a game of Jenga?


Can’t remember how old I was when I bought my very first hi-fi system but I remember I had saved months of pocket and Xmas money and that it cost me 4990 francs at the time, in the mid 80’s which was an awful lot of money for me at the time.
A ridiculous 650£ in today’s rate.

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Before I posessed a hi-fi system, I owned a GHETTO BLASTER!! - Remember those?! :laughing:


like the character radio raheem in “do the right thing” ?


Oh, my first was a horrible red & black plasticky thing (very probably from Woolworths) - just a record player and 2 speakers.
Then I upgraded to a beautiful old radiogram thing that I picked up second hand. Hung on to that until it just gave up. I seem to recall it actually having valves…


I remember having one of these once, a good idea for playing singles, but wasn’t very reliable :wink:


I have one of these beauties. A 1962 Bermuda Dansette. Great for playing all my old vinyl - CCR, Beatles,CSN&Y, etc.

It`s older than me. Beautiful tone.

My first record player was posh for its time with a turntable and radio combined. No tapedeck though.


I want one!!!

remember this ? (I don’t know if it is the real one though:I can’t find a picture but it was very similar)

I had one:it was a walkman autoreverse and waterproof…it had very little headphones and I remember the great sound quality!!!
it coasted 1000 Francs at the time (150€ now):that was pretty expensive but I remember being proud to have it because not a lot of people had one :smile:



I still got mine!! :blush:


yeah that’s the one!!!..can you still clip it on your belt Lauri ?


I had an excellent quality Sony autoreverse walkman (quite similar to the one below) that I worn out to death. It wasn’t waterproof though .
Ahh happy times :smile: