Feast lyrics on the site?

I guess you can create a new topic as such for “Fun and Games” its just a case of everything starting from scratch I think ?

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The lyrics were put up on the website before the album came out but that was with Mark Wilkinson’s artwork from the Deluxe edition of the album.

There will be a new lyrics section on Fishheads Club soon - but I’ll see if I can get the lyrics to A Feast of Consequences up sooner.

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I’m pretty sure to have seen the lyrics of FEAST somewhere on the FISH HEADS site quite a while ago, does anyone know where the can be ?

I think some of the lyrics were part of Fish posts on the News section.


… and do not forget to give us the chords!

I’ll do you a deal - if Fish knows the chords I’ll put them on the site :wink:

Better talk to Steve…