What Did You 'YouTube' Today?


Okay, that didn’t quite come off! I was expecting the vid rather than the link!

Don’t post the mobile link. Use the desktop link or the share link that YouTube gives you.

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How do you not post as a link? I thought pasting the address was the correct way? - Just emerging from the Stone Age here John. Keep it simple!

Okay. Desktop link. I understood that one.

Playing Mario Kart yesterday, and I couldn’t help notice how Metal Mario reminds me of Martin Freeman…

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Rather excellent it is too, though being beaten by my five year old niece hasn’t done my credibility any favours. :frowning:

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Message me your Nintendo ID - we’ll gang up on her :wink:

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…The Hobbit book was certainly better than the movies!

much easier to post than on the old forum :smiley:

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Looking for first bootlegged clips from tonights reunion gig of german rock band böse onkelz at hockenheim raceway circuit!