Fish at Night of the Prog Festival X - 17th to 19th July 2015

Exciting news about one of the Festival gigs, performed by Fish!


Coun’t me in !
I won’t miss this !
(nor the way back home, through the Mosel valley :wink: )


count me in ,im taking my wife n daughter ,just gotta decied if i drive from yorkshire or fly ,been trying to find hotels in loreley ,cant wait

Fish is headlining the saturday night 18th july

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Hope this is true

its true google night of prog 2015 website says Fish saturday 18th ,decided to drive from yorkshire to Loreley

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and theres Cropedy festival in oxfordshire in august too

Loreley, Saturday, Fish on stage 23:00 :open_mouth: (it was postponed from 20:30???). Main act, headliner??


A Few Photos of FISH LIVE at LORELEY “NIGHT OF THE PROG!” Courtesy of Michael Schneider etc…


Amazing photos - thanks for sharing.

What a great venue with the steps to allow fans to view stage better right to the back.

5th last photo - who is the cheeky lady taking a photo stage side of the ropes?

That’s Fish’s Daughter Tara. :slight_smile: