Merry Christmas

Got my own personal tiny desktop tree in the ‘music room’.

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Had to re-do the tree. My white lights finally died and they only had coloured ones at the garden centre…


It looks lovely Paul. My coloured ones had died but I didnt realise it until I had put them all around the tree :persevere:
So I’ve got white lights now but there are less lights on these and it doesnt look as good :neutral_face:

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Happy Xmas all and a Great New Year Cheers


Welcome back Tony :wink:


Nice to see you on here Tony :grinning:


At last Tony :slight_smile:
Welcome back on here :wink:



:cry: :smile: :christmas_tree: :gift:

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I know these are twee, but I love 'em.


Me too! Reminds me of the Christmas cards at the time I was a child, even though they’re still around. I’ll pinch ine of them and make it my christmassy wallpaper on my phone!

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Happy Christmas fellow fish heads!


So what kind of Christmas hols is everyone getting? I know some of you get a couple of weeks off! Never known that in any job I’ve ever been in! - Actually made-up to be getting a full 5 days off this year, which is about the best I’ve ever had.

I break up today at 2pm , back to work on the 3rd of January, if I still have a job that is !!!?
I have a deciplinary hearing at 12.30 today , so who knows🙄

Well good luck with that Andy! I figured something was amiss from a few comments you posted, but didn’t like to ask. Hope it goes well for you mate.

Sorry to hear this Andy! Good luck for today :four_leaf_clover:

I’m off on the 25th, back on the 29th and off on the 1st of January. So 4 days off for me!

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Hope everything is going to be ok for you Andy…good luck mate…we’re all with you :wink:


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Off tomorrow til monday…back to work on tuesday so 4 days without thinking about this bloody job :blush:


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Hope everything goes OK mate, fingers and toes crossed for you.

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Off tonight bk in Friday night then off 3 days bk in 27th, 28th & 30th then off 31st & 1st bk in on the 2nd of Jan , pure shite! Time you cook Xmas dinner etc… no time to spend with anyone.
Fuck this life for a carry on.
Get take fuck Asda Get tae fuck retail. Pile of American shite!

Always thought you enjoyed your job Anthony?