Shut down of The Union

Hi everyone,

I’m sorry to say that within the next week or two this site will be closing down.

As some of you know, Fish has been moving his online site and store away from the old Fishheads Club site, and as part of that a new Official Facebook group was created. I asked Fish to clarify where this forum stands and, reasonably, he feels that it’s time to move on.

I’ve been supporting this forum personally outside of the migration as I know the core fans from the early forum days and have a fair emotional attachment to it. However, I personally can’t afford to keep it running.

Regrettably there will be a shutdown shortly. If anyone here has the skills to host a Discourse forum and would like to carry it forward unofficially then I’ll happily share the backups to create a new site to continue the legacy.

Otherwise, it’s been an absolute pleasure knowing you all here. The Union will always have a special place in my heart.

Keep on Fishing,

More like stop Fishing. Can’t tell you how much I detest Facebook at this moment.

Bye everyone. Thanks for the Company.


What ???

Don’t have Facebook…don’t want to…

Very sad !

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:sob: :sob: :sneezing_face: Nooooo!!!

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I don’t have a Facebok account and don’t intend to create one.


I don’t want to lose contact with the people on here.
We’ve kept this place alive since it was created 7 years ago or more and visit it daily. Why is Fish confiscating one of our favourite toys again???


For what it’s worth, I know I haven’t been around much this past year or so but I have dipped in and read recent posts when I can.

You guys mean a lot to me. I don’t go into the Facebook forum personally so yeah… hard one.


I might not appear so at times John, but I’ve appreciated your input behind the scenes on this Forum. Thanks for all your work.


True that. We are grateful for the work you have done and are sorry this is coming to an end.


Me neither.

I was having a busy and nice Friday until now. Just having an alcohol free Erdinger in my hand waiting for FoF.



Yeah…I really try with FB, but I just can’t get along with it / don’t understand how to make it work the way I want it to. Understandable, but a great shame.

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I second this…thanks so much John for all your work for this forum to work (until now)

Damn it’s really a shit news !

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Thanks guys. I never felt anyone didn’t appreciate the place. :heart:


And it broke during my only holiday of the year :confused:

I hope we can find a way around this.
As I said I don’t want to lose my link with all you people on here. Too many strong friendships.


I think it is so unfair really…It is a kind of disrespect !

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Thanks John for the job.

I understand, but I can’t imagine this ends here, and now, even though we are a pocketful of Fishheads on there now, old fashionned.



Also, the ‘rules’ on the FB Group don’t exactly make it sound like it’s going to be a friendly, fun place to be:
“No links to other non- fish bands…
This is Fish’s official page and as such all content should be relevant to his career”

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Anything else 2020 wanna throw at me ?
A fuckin year I will never forget !!
For me my life other than family, is music going to gigs, Football physically going to the match with mates, win lose or draw just having the craic, and my holidays away in the sun .
All of which I’ve had nothing of late .

I’m not very socially media friendly ( dabble with Twitter but mainly for music and sport news) but the Fish forum was probably my only enjoyable platform to share things with.
Gonna be absolutely gutted that this is being taken away out of my life as well now, as through this platform have met some very dear people .
If there is any way of keeping something similar going I’m in, but sorry no Facebook for me I’m affraid.

I’d like to thank John (Reid) who when I first joined the original Company forum was a great help to me .

Hopefully this won’t be the end.

Stay Safe . . . Slante :beers:


This news today, and curfew tonight.
I’m knocked, sorry. Could’nt be worse.