The Last CD You Bought



Don`t know if it is the same extras but I have got two sets ( think Vol 2 starts after No Place To Run ) with booklets / sleeve notes. Is this one of those sets with the mini album sleeves? Great comprehensive collection.

I’ve got that box set. Previously I only had their Strangers In The Night live album, so an easy and cheap way to fill my collection.

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It’s a signed copy, though any 3 year old could have added those squiggles :grin:


Just pre-ordered the new OMD

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What`s the album right next to your beer?

What’s the beer right next to your album ?


The album is Nukkekoti by Joose Keskitalo whose gig we will attend tonight in Oulu and the beer is IPA by Brooklyn brewery. :smile:

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Wasn’t expecting this to arrive so quickly.

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Yours arrived before mine!

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It’s a good ‘un. No multiple listens to ‘get it’ required :wink:

Amazon UK exclusive signed copy arrived today.

No idea if that is genuine or done by the person in packaging :man_shrugging:


Had a signed print with my vinyl - could be the same packing guy.


$1 each in the used CD bargain bin.

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Thumbs up for 3 of them.

Well I wasn’t expecting that! Just spent the last 2 hours driving to 4 different record stores to get a copy of the new Rolling Stones album and it is sold out everywhere on CD and vinyl. The owner of the biggest store in the area told me they completely underestimated the demand and wont get any new stock until the end of next week. Had to order off Amazon to get it earlier, hopefully it will arrive on Monday.

Gave it a couple of listens on Friday and its really good . :+1: