It is lovely to hear from you Jarsis
Hello! I’m an 18 year old Manx lad from the Isle of Man! and have only been into Marillion for about 2 months.
I mainly got introduced by Marillion via my undying love for Genesis and my fascination for the neo-prog movement (Why do people accuse Marillion of ripping of Genesis)
I love Cider of many kinds, Furries, Progressive Rock in general and violent 80’s movies!
I hope y’all have stellar time with me!
One thing I do have to point out though,I only have the Pre-1989 catalog so I’m not very familiar with Hogarth and his wonderful hair. But give me anything about Fish though and I’ll jump right in!
welcome PowWow
It seems awfully quiet at the moment
Welcome PowWow enjoy the forum and the Company Mate!
As for it being Quiet, probably the Time of Year, with a few people still on their Hols and with Relatives, but don’t let that deter you from reading and replying to posts or just simply Post away as you please, any of us will get bk to you asap, me I am just up out of my bed, as I work Nightshift. So enjoy mate and Welcome again!
You’ll fit in well here then! Welcome to the Forum mate!
Yeah, it does get quiet at times, but there aren’t that many of us posting on a regular basis. Feel free to join in or create any topics. We could do with a few new ones
I moved 7 posts to a new topic: The Fish and/or Marillion muddle
Welcome PowWow enjoy the forum!
Hello and welcome. Enjoy the Company.
I can finally replay again!
(for now…)
Welcome PowWow. Enjoy The Union!
From Shott. Thank you all for the reply to my post. Through my illness previously touched upon. I havn’t slept out of my own bed for over 8 years, but Marrakech, who the hell can resist that. I booked as soon as it was confirmed, as a single traveller, the best grand ive ever spent, cant wait. Thank everybody to welcoming me to the forum, i would love to meet some of you in Africa ! absolute chance of a lifetime. As Fish would say. Be safe and stay alive. Best regards, Colin
Well hello there… finally made my way here. Missing the old forum, but I might get used to this yet.
So here you are once more…
welcome Marina:glad to see you here
…Welcome home!!
Marina! I was missing you the other day
It’s great to see you here.
Are you stilll in California?
Hi Marina
Welcome back to the forum .
Thanks guys, no time no see!