Glasgow 2025

It would be very surprising if his final ever gig wasn’t professionally recorded.

I have No idea where you got that assumption from mate :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Hmmmm maybe Andy the ticket tout has connections to a bootlegger and i dont mean drink :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Someone’s the bootleg king on here. Always thought it was you Rab. :laughing:

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:flushed: . . . . . .

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Just thought i would let you all know incase you have any friends that want to go that i have bit my own personal and emotional bullet and had to put 1 Ticket for Glasgow Sunday 9th up for sale on Ticketmaster for all those that know me personally i will still be there of course so you know where i am coming from :+1:

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Just had some added info i had posted this on the Offical Fish fb page and it has now been removed :pensive: As i said its for sale on Ticketmaster and not privately i was just notifying people but i guess thats the power trip moderators and the snowflake mentality nowadays.

No reason given just removed.

Yet posts like these are allowed Anyone see any difference ?

No Rab. Doesn’t make sense. :confused:

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I am not going to persever with it and pander to the power trip jobsworths so i have now just left that Fb group page as i have absolutely no interest in the people running it.
That time is done and i move on.

Not long until the gig.

What’s happening about meeting each other?

WhatsApp group ???

I thought you were on it Steve?

Maybe someone here could contact Tony admin? I’m not that familiar. Only met him once, about 12 years ago. :laughing:

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No I’m not in the group.

If I’m in or out Im sure I’ll find you all.

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Steve, if you message me your number I can get Tony to add you to the group. Probably the easiest way of catching everyone. People coming Saturday and some like me not arriving until Sunday. All will be well.

So whats peoples plans ect , is there gonna be a meeting pub ect ect ?

We arrive in Glasgow tomorrow by train at around 15.30.

Leave Tuesday early afternoon.

Staying at the Social Hub on Argyle Street.

To those who don’t have my mobile its

Message to arrange meeting up :beers:

Assuming I can drag myself out of bed, I should be there around the same time or maybe a bit earlier. I’ll have to recheck, but I think it said arrival at 2pm.

Want to get my bearings and have a look around first as I’ve never been to Glasgow. Whatever pub you decide on I’ll get it on street maps.

I’ll be off home on Monday morning or early afternoon.

More tickets released for both nights …

My train ‘should’ arrive in Glasgow tomorrow @ 15:17. I will be dumping my bags at hotel and straight out for a drink, so more than happy to find everyone for a meetup.

Staying at Artto Hotel on Hope St by Central Station so maybe a 10 minute walk from you Andy.

Leaving Tuesday morning.

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Thats short weather in my book !

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Another 2 degrees and it’d be Speedo’s weather.

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