@Zazabi @ClutcherofStraw @Andyboy67 Did any of you see yourself on the screen during the broadcast?
I’ll look out for Andy’s leg sticking up in the air.
There were plenty people fat, glasses and bald. I am sure one of them was me?
I was to Steve Vantsis right hand side as he would look out from the stage and Andy was further over just out of sight line of cameras. Although we went together, not sure where Zaz stood now I think about it.
I was standing for the whole gig against the wall a few feet behind Andy, inside the disabled area.
I did see you Lawrie as you were standing, during the gig and had a brief glimpse of me and you during the extras, shot before the gig had started (when we were sat and chatting).
I agree with you regards filming the audience, it was a bit frustrating that they didn’t show enough of it and when they did it was only for half a second. It’s a shame coz seeing the crowd from different angles you get a better feel of the venue.
Also would’ve been nice seeing Fish and John in full and not with their legs chopped
Trying to find out. I thought physical ticket and live broadcast combined entitled you to the extra content. Ticket with fees was just over £55. Barry Capper has told me that there should be two e-mails with separate codes ( one for broadcast and one for extras ). I have only received one code. Have contacted support on the broadcast site.
I have just received a separate email with a code for all the extra content from the gig, that’ll explain that then !
Got it
I wil watch this tonight or tomorrow morning.
Happy me.
Fugazi !!
Just finished watching this for the 4th time. Will watch it again when it is available next week. Quite magnificent. Andy, back in the summer when this show was announced I deliberated about whether to go or not. Well mate, many thanks for twisting my arm. The whole experience was brilliant.
I’m gonna have to catch it on its next run. Never had a chance to watch it because of work.
Dear me
How many beers?