Fish Final Tour 2024

Great summary.

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I’m in no rush to sell my ticket, so if you decide you’d like to come to Glasgow, let us know :+1:.


Thank you Steve !! It would be great if I can join all of you there !!


So anyone doing the Monday as well ?

Personally speaking, I’ve no interest in watching him 2 nights running. Sounds harsh I know.

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Nothing doing here either.

Looks like myself, Lawrie ,Tony , Julian, Tom and Ulli staying over then .

I mulled things over the whole weekend and got a wee bit consumed by things. It was my son who finally persuaded me to go to the Monday gig. Usually I am the wiser one, but he simply said, " Dad, if you don`t go, I know what you are like. You are gonna regret that for the rest of your life if you dont do Monday too. "

To quote another of my musical heroes, Stuart Adamson -

" We all make our plans. We all have our choices. "


Possibly me. I’ve got a ticket. See how things pan out.

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Hotel booked for Glasgow. I can forget about it now!


Hotel booked also just before they all go up due to Scotland playing Wales at Murrayfield the same weekend.

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Those pubs will be bloody heaving! Not to mention the trains.

Where you both stopping ?

Park bench



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I see March 10th hasn’t sold out yet.

Get a ticket then :wink:

Back in work on Monday night. Not an option.

What are people plans. Initially I thought about staying for 3 nights (Fri, Sat and Sunday) to make a weekend of it.

Now that the extra date has been added I’m thinking Sat, Sun and Monday.

Are others doing the Saturday night for a bit of a meet/piss-up ?

Been on holiday and so just catching up on posts. I will be travelling to Glasgow on the Sunday as I am going to the Aberdeen show on the Friday. I need at least one day of recuperation in what will probably be a hectic period.